We've compiled a list of resources that have been helpful for us that we'd like to share with you.
If you have any resources that should be on this list, send us an email!
A list of political science resources is also available on Dr. Bittner's website.
Gender Identity & Sexuality (Books): Adults, Teens, & Children
A Quick & Easy Guide to They/Them Pronouns—Archie Bongiovanni & Tristan Jimerson
Gender Quest Workbook: A Guide for Teens & Young Adults Exploring Gender Identity
The Remedy: Queer & Trans Voices on Health & Healthcare—Zena Sharman
It Feels Good to Be Yourself: A Book About Gender Identity—Theresa Thorn (all ages)
We Have Always Been Here: A Queer Muslim Memoir— Samra Habib
2SLGBTQ+ Inclusion in School-Based Physical Activity Programs—PHE/EPS Canada
Parenting (Books):
Body Image & Eating (Books): Children
Body Image & Eating (Books): Parents
Introduction to Sexual Health (Books): Children
Drawn to Sex: The Basics—Ericka Moen and Matthew Nolan (ages 10+)
Drawn to Sex: Our Bodies and Health—Ericka Moen and Matthew Nolan (ages 10+)
A Quick and Easy Guide to Consent—Isabella Rotman (ages 12+)
It’s Perfectly Normal—Robie Harris and Michael Emberley (ages 10+)
Can We Talk About Consent?: A book about freedom, choices, and agreement—Justin Hancock (ages 13+)
Amazing You: Getting Smart About Your Body Parts—Dr. Gail Saltz (all ages)
Some Cats Just Want to be Looked At—Nicole Lesavoy (ages 1-8)
Body Image & Eating (Online Resources): Parents & Children
Body positive book guide for boys: https://www.cbc.ca/parents/learning/view/seven-books-to-help-boys-with-body-image-issues
Comprehensive list of books and other resources: https://www.confidentbody.net/further-reading.html
More at: https://sexpositivefamilies.com/resources/ (You can filter by resource type)